Keep Pushing On!

As the term is ending and exam season is creeping closer, it may feel like the number of assessments is never-ending. Although it is said that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, we do understand that reaching it is not as easy as it seems. So, we've compiled some tips and advice we've learned over the past two years below. We hope you find them as useful as we do!

1. Have a Change of Scenery

I've found that changing up where I study can help increase my productivity. Doing my readings at the kitchen table (when no one's eating of course) or in the garden makes me feel more motivated as I've put the effort into moving my laptop and books. However, I discovered that if studying in other areas is not the most convenient, Lifeat Spaces is the perfect tool to virtually study in a different location! Lifeat Spaces is a free website that provides backdrops you can use for your study sessions. It also has the option to play lofi music to really help you stay focused. Whether you want to study at a cafe, with a celebrity, or in an anime world, you can find the perfect backdrop for you.

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By Sandra Ang & Sarine Mohanraja (Publications Co-Directors)


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