First Year Guide #6 - Revision Tips for Finals

The end of term has approached faster than we all hoped but this does mean that the end is near! With exams and assignments approaching in the coming weeks, here are some revision tips to help make the most of the last week before exams.

1. Past Papers

If you happen to find yourself in a position where you've completed all the coursework for the term on time and are unsure of where to start for revision, doing past papers are a great way to start. While all the questions may not be applicable for the current year, there will still be quite a few questions related to the term's course work and are a great way to test your knowledge. Past papers are often shared by lecturers on Moodle and can also be accessed from the UNSW Library Collection online. Sometimes, lecturers may even include questions from past papers in the final!

2. Setting Study Goals

After 10 consecutive weeks of learning and studying, feeling burnt out is inevitable and can make studying for finals quite challenging. It is proven that studying in short periods is better for a person's concentration, so adopting this technique, course content for the term can be divided up into small sections and revised. An example of this could be allocating content from Week 2-4 for one day and going through notes written during the term on those topics. If the goals set still feel too long and tedious, shorten them even more! Although it may take longer to go through the content, your understanding will definitely be better.

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By Sarine Mohanraja (Publications Co-Director)


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