Kick Start Your Term

As the term is just about to ramp up, it is important to set up the term for success. Take on these three simple tips to ensure that you can be the best you can be this term.

1. Consolidate Deadlines

Take time to write down all of your assessments and their weightings for the term according to the course outlines. This can be done in a space such as Excel or Notion. I like to organise it by time, so there is a space where you can easily view what assessment you have coming up. Not only should you be highlighting their due date, but you should also place reminders a week or two in advance of their deadline (depending on the size of the assignment), for you to begin preparation. This has definitely saved me in the past and it is super simple to organise!

2. Keep Up to Date in Your Notes

This might sound super simple, but make sure you stay up to date on your lectures and tutorials. You should have a single space, such as OneNote or Notability, where you are taking all of your class notes and tutorial workings. Personally, OneNote is my favourite space for this, it lets you have different workbooks for each subject where you can then have subdividers for each week. Within this, you can then insert all your notes separated by lectures, tutorials, or extra study. What's best is that the files get saved to your UNSW OneDrive so you never need to worry about losing your work!

3. Take Time for Breaks

While it is important to stay on top of all your work, make sure you are also taking time for yourself to avoid burnout later on in the term. Small things, such as attending social society events, reading a book for yourself, or even something as simple as a sun bake (perfect as the weather is heating up!). If you are looking for something to do, Capital W has its Keeping Up With the Alumni online event coming up where you can hear inspirational messages our past and current Alumni have to share with you. Register here if you are interested!

By Harriet Vitek (Publications Subcommittee)


Note-taking Methods


A Term in Review with Capital W - T2 2022